MK+ legacy projects

MK+ Legacy Science: Next Steps

The South African MeerKAT telescope is a precursor to the Square Kilometre Array mid-frequency instrument (SKA-MID). The MeerKAT Extension (MK+) project will result in an extended MeerKAT array, a major step en route to SKA-MID. Providing 13-16 additional more sensitive (SKA-design) dishes, equipped with L- and S-band receivers, on baselines up to twice as long as MeerKAT’s, the project is funded in a partnership between the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), the Max Planck Society (MPG), and the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF). The extension will add significant new science capabilities to MeerKAT, especially in terms of sensitivity and spatial resolution.

While most MeerKAT observing time in the MK+ era will be available openly for applications by the global community, managed by SARAO, the MK+ partnership will embark on a joint legacy program using a ~10% reserved share of the observing time until MeerKAT is integrated into the SKA-MID. The remainder of the telescope time will be allocated in an Open Time process. In contrast, the selected legacy project(s) will be different from PI-led projects in being inherently open to research communities of all MK+ partners, i.e. the data are to be ‘owned’ by the partners, not individual PIs.

Background and basic principles guiding selection of the MeerKAT+ legacy science program

The following basic principles and key criteria guiding the joint scientific exploitation of MeerKAT+ have been agreed upon in discussions between and following feedback from the respective communities in South Africa, Germany and Italy. 

– Considerations take into account the limited and uncertain time available on MeerKAT/MK+ before transitioning into SKA-MID.

– Implementation of MK+ legacy science will be done so as to minimize impact on existing approved MeerKAT projects.

– Science programmes should reward investment by matching interests of South African, German and Italian communities.

– MK+ should produce legacy value that persists well into the SKA-MID era.

– Legacy science should go beyond what is possible with the existing MK array by utilizing the new unique capabilities provided by MK+ as outlined in the criteria below.

– ‘New Science’ should make best use of new and most significantly enhanced MK+ capabilities.

– In order to foster strong future partnerships between the MK+ partner communities, South African, MPG and Italian scientists are encouraged to collaborate in further joint Open Time projects, achieved most easily by extending invitations to other partners to develop or join an application for Open Time. These activities should be supported by additional proactive measures involving the exchange and training of students and staff.

As we expect that novel scientific capabilities using MK+ will be available by early 2025,  we intend to select the legacy science by early 2024 to allow for detailed preparation by the MK+ partnership. The decisions can build on discussions among and with the MK+ partner communities since 2019. The outcome of these discussions and deliberations has been a 2021 White Paper, consolidating science ideas into three projects ideas by the German and South African communities, and more than twenty expressions of interest for science projects in a process organized among the Italian community. In an open workshop in January 2023 in South Africa, all these ideas were discussed and it was recognized that many, if not most, can be folded into versions of the projects presented in detail in the White Paper, particularly after adjustments in the survey strategies are made. As a result, one can largely group the considered legacy science cases into three categories, namely

a) a spectroscopic HI survey,

b) a wide total-power HI and continuum survey, and

c) a multi-purpose full-Stokes imaging S-band survey.

Next steps: process

The MK+ partnership seeks input from its communities to continue the started process by submitting concise documents (typically 2-3 pages), named here “Science Plans” (SP,  details are given below), by September 15, 2023, to describe how these ideas can be folded into the three categories a) to c). In preparation of the document, colleagues intending to submit a SP are strongly encouraged to consult the science team assembled around the project ideas described in the White Paper, in order to further develop the existing themes within the described framework.

The Science Plans submitted by September 15, must address the following questions:

Description of how the science plan fits into the existing themes and which changes need to be made in the survey strategy as it appears on the White Paper

Explanation of how the science case requires MK+’s novel capabilities, as an important criteria in the eventual down selection of survey(s)

    As significant inclusion of scientists from all 3 communities is very strongly encouraged, a description of how members of all three communities are included

    Statement on how the proposed project complies with the criteria defining a ‘Legacy’ value described at the end of this document. 

    Indication of how the proposed work is scalable in terms of available observing time (~10% of observing time, available for the legacy program, corresponds to ~500 hours per year)

–    Assume that for typical MK+ operations 60 MK antennas and 13 SKA-MID antennas will be available

    Transition plan (covering a flexible and arbitrary length) for the suitable scientific use of “Any-64” vs “All-80 capabilities” (see technical information), if appropriate.

    Outline of data management plan

Description of possible commitments for the commissioning of MK+

All Science Plans must consider the latest expected technical specifications of MK+, which in some cases differ from those assumed in the 2021 science White Paper

Following the receipt of the ideas in September 2023, the current three theme teams will take them into account in redesigning proposed surveys with a detailed science case and strategy in consultation with the authors of the Science Plans. The revision of the themes is expected to be concluded by November 2023.

Following the presentation of the revised survey themes in November 2023, the leadership of the MK+ project will initiate a suitable review process by setting up a panel with appropriate terms of reference. The review panel will evaluate them and recommend one or more surveys to the joint group of observatory directors. A decision is expected for early 2024.


June 30, 2023

Communication to MK+ community in South Africa, Germany and Italy and call for Science Plans

July 1 – Aug 15, 2023

Consultation period of Science Plan author with theme coordinators

September  15, 2023

Submission of Science Plans (2-3 pages) to theme coordinators

November, 2023 

Presentation of revised survey themes by theme coordinators (deadline of submission 08 January 2024, maximal 15 – 20 pages, to observatory[at]

From November 2023

Building panel, review of the survey proposals and recommendation by panel

Early 2024

Selection of survey science by MK+ partnership


General:                                       observatory[at]

Contact for theme a):            gjozsa[at]

Contact for theme b):            mgrsantos[at]

Contact for theme c):            sranchod[at]

Criteria for a MK+ Legacy Survey Science (LSS) will include

– MeerKAT+ should produce legacy value that persists well into the SKA-MID era, i.e. it should not be superseded by the SKA-MID, SKA precursors or pathfinders, or similar instruments for the next 10 years, or so.

– LSS should require the unique capabilities provided by MK+ and should not be (at least easily) achievable by existing MK capabilities (e.g., by using the current MeerKAT with somewhat longer integrations).

– LSS status is magnified if data or results can be enhanced by complementary datasets at different frequencies, sky areas or epochs.

– LSS must not compete with, continue or simply improve on existing MK LSPs.

Further Information including technical  information

MK+ technical details